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Juni 05, 2016

missing you i think

are you still okay?
does everything go well?
suddenly, the darkness let me to remember you, again

our story was incredible
each of us had an amazing dream
you gave me all the thing that never i think
you handed it easily
the only thing that you had and made you weakly
your heart. i hurt you

you recognized me in the real world
which i wounded you, more and more
i left you for your dream and my dream about you too
Out of the many mistakes I did, that is really just my heart
that kept on to feel comfortable next to you
that never stoped admiring you, baby
the man who occupied its own space in my life

i miss you, but unusually i doesn't dare to say it, telling you.
I'm afraid of making you more hurt. but i miss you really.

Yogyakarta, 5th Jun '16
Mr. Lion

2 komentar:

  1. can u keep your promises ? so, if 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 years still not enough . i'll give u all of mine.


Cute White Flying Butterfly